

Kiona Nessenbaum

Kiona Nessenbaum lives in the PNW with her husband Kumar, their three children, and two dogs. She loves to read and go on hikes when time allows, loves spending quality time with her family, and has a strong passion for all things birth. 

Kiona has professionally experienced over 135 births in the roles of a student midwife, birth doula, and birth assistant. Unfortunately, she had to leave midwifery school in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She plans on returning to midwifery school someday but for now, she continues to practice as a doula for her loved ones. 

This podcast was inspired by Kiona’s deep interest in learning more about how truly unique birth is to each individual. Hearing the many different ways birth can unfold through the perspective of the storyteller is an opportunity she doesn’t want to miss.